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Winning with Fewer Clients and Customized Solutions

Insights from Bruce Berry of Genesis Financial Partners

The Active Advisor Podcast (Episode 28)

Meet Bruce Berry; he’s intentionally not that guy. He’s not the guy who chases every business opportunity. He’s not someone who spends time on LinkedIn prospecting and connecting with potential clients. In fact, he doesn’t even have a LinkedIn account. He believes that fostering a fewer deep, and highly customized client relationships brings greater long-term value than managing mediocre relationships with many clients. 100% of his new business growth comes from referrals. Meet Bruce Berry, the founder of Genesis Financial Partners.

On this episode of The Active Advisor podcast, host Bryan Moore chats with Bruce about the world of active management and its potential effectiveness in beating the index. Discover how Bruce's customized approach to financial advisory and focus on building strong relationships has had a positive impact on his clients' lives. Gain valuable insights on managing money through a highly customized lens and how to select a broker dealer that works for you.

This episode of The Active Advisor covers:

  • Motivating factors behind going independent
  • Selecting a broker-dealer that works for you
  • Managing money through a highly customized lens
  • Harvesting tax losses
  • Bruce’s take on active investing


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