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Disruption as an Asset Class - Animal Spirits Podcast

Disruption as an Asset Class - Animal Spirits Podcast

February 22, 2022

Listen to Harbor’s Spenser Lerner, Head of Multi-Asset Solutions Team, and Kristof Gleich, President & CIO, join hosts Michael Batnick and Ben Carlson to discuss how disruptive innovation has become its own asset class on the Animal Spirits podcast.

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There is no guarantee that the investment objective of the Fund will be achieved. Stock markets are volatile and equity values can decline significantly in response to adverse issuer, political, regulatory, market and economic conditions. Since the Fund may hold foreign securities, it may be subject to greater risks than funds invested only in the U.S. These risks are more severe for securities issuers in emerging market regions. Investing in REITs will subject the Fund to additional risk.

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